She said most people would have gone back hometown already and got everything their need the day or week before. Might be true but am not going there unless absolutely necessary lar. Or maybe I can persuade babe to go there and see if there is any firecrackers? HAHAHA! Aidui aidui..abit homesick lar. Keep thinking what my parents are doing and preparing for CNY. Usually I will be the one planning everything from buying all the goodies to the dinner on the eve to open house. But this time, they have to do it alone with some help from my brother.
My brother, according to my mom, not much help lar. Ask him to look for restaurant for the CNY dinner, the price turn out to be close to RM1K because he asked places like Holiday Inn, Hilton, etc. So funny! HAHAHA! In the end, dad and mom went and ask Country Court. Full dinner for 10 comes up to RM288. So, they will be going there. I heard that dad already pre-booked roast duck, pork and chicken from one of the restaurant. And mom bought her favourite dried fig, 1kg!! Crazy!
As for me, I think I finally finished decorating the apartment. Yesterday, went and bought the bulb for the lamp that my colleague gave me. Bought energy saving bulb from Osram. Kinda pricey but since it is guaranteed to last for at least a year and tested to be able to last for 3 years, I consider it value for money. One normal bulb is about RM2 and from experience, last about 3 months. One Osram energy saving bulb is RM19and last 3 years. You do the maths lar. I am lazy :P
Anyway, can't resist taking some photos of the new lamp.

Happy Wednesday! Bloghoppin' here... Hey, I have an interesting tutorial for you that I have written myself. It is about adding Adsense on your Single Post in XML template. I hope you'll like it! God Bless you!
Hi Hapi,
How are u? Always seem to be so happy all the time! OK,I will go over to ur place later :)
Instead of looking at the lamp, i see a lot of messy stuff around it. hahaha... (the usual Shirley,right?)
What messy stuff? So dark can still see messy stuff around ah???
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