Friday, March 14, 2008

Smile for the World

HOME!!Thank goodness JPJ took less than 15minutes wait. They were rather efficient I must say, which surprises me of course (and I am sure most of you too). First thing when I entered, a guard is near the place to number counter to help people select the right number. He promptly direct me to customer service center the moment he glanced at my RHB letter. Then he politely tell me that the center will only open in 15 minutes and that I will need to photocopy my IC and documents. Even tell me where I can go and get the copied.

After I got back, a queue was starting up at the customer service center and I thought, oh boy, this will be a long wait. Again, I am surprised. When the door opens, each one of us were actually given our forms and enquiries answered in a very efficient method. Then I was redirect to collect my number to wait. My number was 2011 and in less than 10 minutes, it was actually my turn. The man at the counter stamped whatever needed, keep the copies that he need and return the rest in less than 5 minutes. And that was it. I was so surprised that I actually asked him, 'Itu saja? (That is all?)" hahahaha...

I guess I am not used to having efficient government services. Actually, I should known that it would be fantastic because even as I was parking my car, I realised that there are actually 2 booth for drive-thru paying. And once enter, almost 75% of the counter are open. There are even counter for OKU, i.e. orang kurang upaya (handicapped). If only all the government offices are this efficient, I am pretty sure it will go into world news and be listed in the Guiness World Record because we will be hail as the only country in the world with such efficiency in government sector.

Of course, it would be nice if they are taught to smile a little too. It would make the whole experience much more unforgettable and happier. Perhaps I am asking for too much?


Rose world said...

I went to the ic registrar office on Mon. Notice that they have this notice in front (i guess this notice can be found in almost every govt agencies) saying "if i do not say thank you, smile or look at you in the face, please remind me to do so!" I guess if next time, you encounter them again, u can remind them politely to smile as per notice! hahaha!

JenJen's Place said...

HAHAHAHA! I wish I can do that...

KristyCK said...

Wow! So nice to hear that our government services are getting much efficent now. So funny that govt agencies have to put such a notice in front of their offices but guess it's a good start. Hope it is really work....haha!

JenJen's Place said...

Billy's mom,
Yah, wish more govt agencies are as efficient. Then we will really get into the Book of Guiness for having the most efficient govt services. IF that ever happens, I will be the first to blog and announce them to the world!