Sunday, April 11, 2010

Slob vs Sob?

The weather is really really hot here this 2 days. Worse still, it is the weekend with nothing much planned. So, staying home and just sweating myself silly. We actually have 3 fans on in the living room and the air still feel so so so humid and hot. Even sitting in front of the fan is not working because all that does is moving hot air around.

Right about now, looking like the seal in the photo below show looks great! Cacoon in a layer of ice and lying on ice! ARGHH!! Sheer bliss... But other than staying upstairs where the aircon is or sitting in front of the fridge with the door open, guess just have to bite and bear with it...

Have not been blogging much for a few months now. Not that I am abandoning my blog. Its just that, well, with work, work and more work, the only energy I seem to have nowadays after coming back from the office is a stint of facebooking just so that I am up-to-date with every1 progress.
Other than that would be cooking, cleaning up after my slob of a husband and watching whatever that is on Astro. Life is getting pretty tedious and tiring actually. Feeling rather frustrated because I feel so tired at the end of the day. Dont get me wrong, I enjoy doing what I am doing now but I just wish I have more energy and time after work to do something else, baking for example.
Sad to say, I seems to have more time to bake and experiment with cooking when I was back in Kuching. I guess back then, I need not worry about whats for dinner or doing daily routine stuff of keeping the house in order. I just cant imagine how things would be like if (err..when) we have little ones running around. Just makes me sigh in horror imagining cleaning up after 2 slobs instead of just 1...bbrrr...
Sometimes, I am just wondering, am I being too much of perfectionist and controlling freak? Is it wrong for me to want things back to where it suppose to be? I mean, it is so wrong of me to expect the bottle of soya sauce to be on the rack instead of the table NEXT to it? Or am I mean to request for the bottle of syrup to be put back at the original place on the table instead of being left wherever on the table? I dont know...sometimes..I wonder...


  1. Dear it is fact! We cannot do much. I also doing the same here.....I giving up the nagging part, so what ever I could do is to cleaning up..hahahaha! Just remember to give yourself a break. At least you deserve that.

  2. Staying with guys ... Well, just take and put back lor .. and if its not my stuff and its out of the way, its gonna end up in rubbish bin ...

  3. hmm.... i also face the same thing. I think all men are the same. Too bad, we are not rich enough to employ maid, else, we can close the eyes.

  4. Rose,
    Nowadays, sometimes I just refused to clean up..dun care oredi..dirty mah si dirty lor. As long as where I wanna sit n sleep in clean...

  5. Dav,
    1 time, 2 times, 3 times..not too bad. ALL the time till it seems that it is a habit to clean up and his job to leave a mess..sien la..

  6. SK,
    More like close BOTH eyes if not sure cannot tahan see!

  7. SK,
    By the way, I did suggest getting some1 in twice a month to do whole house clean up but he didnt agree. Say just give him the money & he will clean up... You think he will do meh?? sheesh

  8. Jen, no offense but whenever I read Hagar the Horrible comics strip, it reminds me of you and your hubby, what with the frustration. Can be quite hilarious to read sometimes. Not that I think your hubby is horrible larr..

    No. not all men are like that. Take my hubby, he is a clean freak like you, it can almost kill me to hear him nagged everyday.

  9. Nimi,
    HAHA!! Guess humor is one way to keep the romance alive even after more than 10yrs yah? HEHE!

    I am not a clean freak la. I just expect at least the used cup to be in the sink and not in the living room floor. Not too much to ask right? HAHA!
