Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dinner - 16 Jun 2008

This is going to be a short short one because I just want to share the picture from our dinner last night, i.e. the first time I use my new Elba Electric Oven. The oven is more like a toaster oven to me because it can adjust temperature but it is different abit because can adjust top, bottom or both top and bottom heat on. Nothing too fancy about the dinner but babe ate alot of rice! I think it has something to do with the bacon oil which he sprinkle liberally on his rice!

Chicken drumstick wrap with bacon (Are you drooling yet??)

Chicken drumstick wrap with bacon
(Close up very blur. Wanted to take more pic but babe cant wait)

French bean (I think thats wat it call :P) fried with eggs

Chicken mushroom soup (been thinking of this for a few days!)


  1. Hi Big Boys Oven,
    *BLUSH* Thanks! Simple homecook experimented on my babe! hahaha..

    Quality of pic not too good though ^_^
